On 12th April 2017 has been held, at the Auditorium – Santa Chiara Lab, the first workshop of ERC nEU-Med project. A large number of partecipants, professors but also many researchers and students, took part in the event. After Francesco Frati (rector of University of Siena) and Gabriella Piccinni (director of Department of History and Cultural Heritage) had made an opening speech, Prof. Richard Hodges (P.I) and Prof. Giovanna Bianchi (Coordinator) talked about the project, highlighting the interdisciplinay nature of the research: archaeology, history, chemical, geological and environmental sciences are all highly valued. Another main feature of the project is the investement to include a large group of young researchers into the team (with an investment of 250.000€). Besides fieldwork (archaeological excavation at Vetricella and Carlappiano sites), lab and international conferences, the project support also cultural events, like the exhibition in memory of Riccardo Francovich. The workshop has began with all the various interventions, moderated by the discussant who have completed sections with ideas and reflections.
The workshop of 12th April was not the only event of the week. On April 11th has been held the presentation of the book written by Sauro Gelichi and Giovanna Bianchi “A monastery by the sea. Archaeological research at San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino,LI)” available on-line. On April 13th the project team discussed with the members of scientific boards the future investigation strategies.