Journal Articles

Pieruccini, P., Susini, D., Poggi, G., Bianchi, G., Hodges, R. 2023. Geoarchaeology of the Cornia river coastal plain (Piombino, southern Tuscany, Italy). Journal of Maps, 19(1), 2173677. [URL] [pdf]


Viva, S., Vincenti, G., Pepe, A., Caramella, D., Panetta, D., Bianchi, G., Fabbri, P.F. 2023. A new approach for the diagnosis of b-thalassemia in archaeological contexts: the relationship between congenital anaemia and dentinogenesis defects through micro-CT. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15(193). [URL] [To request the pdf of the accepted version, please contact the corresponding author:]


Volpi, V., Chiarantini, L., Cicali, C., Salvadori, B. 2023. Shedding light on the microstructure and chemical composition of rare early medieval coins from Italy (Berengario I) by combining pXRF and SEM–EDX analysis. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 15(35). doi:10.3390/min11020097 [URL] [To request the pdf of the accepted version, please contact the corresponding author:]


Chiarantini, L., Benvenuti, M., Bianchi, G., Dallai, L., Volpi, V., Manca, R. 2021. Medieval Pb (Cu-Ag) Smelting in the Colline Metallifere District (Tuscany, Italy): Slag Heterogeneity as a Tracer of Ore Provenance and Technological Process. Minerals, 11(2), 97. doi:10.3390/min11020097 [URL] [pdf]


Chiarantini, L., Villa, I.M., Volpi, V., Bianchi, G., Benvenuti, M., Cicali, C., Donati, A., Manca, R., Hodges, R. 2021. Economic rebound versus imperial monopoly: Metal provenance of Early Medieval coins (9th–11th centuries) from some Italian and French mints. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 39: 103139. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103139 [URL] [pdf]


Fornacelli, C., Volpi, V., Ponta, E., Russo, L., Briano, A., Donati, A., Giamello, M., Bianchi, G. 2021. Grouping Ceramic Variability with pXRF for Pottery Trade and Trends in Early Medieval Southern Tuscany. Preliminary Results from the Vetricella Case Study (Grosseto, Italy). Applied Sciences, 11(24), 11859. [URL] [pdf]


Pieruccini, P., Susini, D., Buonincontri, M.P., Bianchi, G., Hodges, R., Lubritto, C., Di Pasquale, G. 2021. Late Holocene human-induced landscape changes in Calcareous Tufa environments in Central Mediterranean valleys (Pecora river, Southern Tuscany, Italy). Geomorphology, 383. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107691 [URL] [To request the pdf of the accepted version, please contact the corresponding author:]


Viva, S., Andriani, F., Siena, S., Agostini, A., Bianchi, G., Fabbri, P.F. 2021. nEU-Med project. Two cases of disability in an equestrian context from a 10th century royal court in Tuscany (Italy)Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 31. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102923 [URL] [To request the pdf of the accepted version, please contact the corresponding author:]


Viva, S., Fabbri, P.F., Ricci, P., Bianchi, G., Hodges, R., Lubritto, C. 2021. Project nEU-Med. The Contribution of Isotopic Analysis in the Differential Diagnosis of Anemia, the Case of the Medieval Cemetery of Vetricella (Scarlino, GR) in Tuscany. Environmental Archaeology, 1-14. [URL] [To request the pdf of the accepted version, please contact the corresponding author:]


Buonincontri, M.P., Pieruccini, P., Susini, D., Lubritto, C., Ricci, P., Rey, F., Tinner, W., Colombaroli, D., Drescher-Schneider, R., Dallai, L., Marasco, L., Poggi, G., Bianchi, G., Hodges, R., Di Pasquale, G. 2020. Shaping Mediterranean landscapes: The cultural impact of anthropogenic fires in Tyrrhenian southern Tuscany during the Iron and Middle Ages (800–450 BC / AD 650–1300). The Holocene, 30(10), pp. 1420-1437. doi:10.1177/0959683620932978 [URL] [pdf]


Fornacelli, C., Briano, A., Chiarantini, L., Bianchi, G., Benvenuti, M., Giamello, M., Kang, J.S., Villa, I.M., Talarico, F.M., Hodges, R. 2020. Archaeometric Provenance Constraints for Early Medieval Sparse Glazed Pottery from Donoratico (Livorno, Italy). Archaeometry. doi:10.1111/arcm.12633 [URL] [pdf]


Ponta, E., Intermite, D., Russo, L., Fornacelli, C., Volpi, V., Giamello, M. 2020. Progetto nEU-Med. Studio sulle produzioni ceramiche locali (VII-X secolo) e loro circolazione nel comprensorio delle Colline Metallifere: primi risultati delle analisi archeometriche. Archeologia Medievale, XLVII, pp. 217-238 [URL] [pdf]


Dallai, L., Volpi, V. 2019. Nuovi approcci allo studio del paesaggio storico: il progetto ERC nEU-Med e le indagini multidisciplinari condotte nella bassa Val di Cornia. Archeologia Medievale, XLVI, pp. 179- 195 [URL] [pdf]


Briano, A., Sibilia, E. 2018. Progetto nEU-Med. Nuove analisi archeologiche e archeometriche sulla ceramica a vetrina sparsa dal Castello di Donoratico (LI): i risultati della Termoluminescenza (TL). Archeologia Medievale, XLV, pp. 357-365. doi:10.1400/270082 [URL] [pdf]