Bright 2018: “la notte dei ricercatori in toscana”

A duble date for the nEU-Med project at BRIGHT 2018, initiative promoted by European Commission to disseminate scientific culture and knowledge of research professions.

Thusday, September 27,waiting for Bright” at 4.00 p.m in Colle di Val d’Elsa, Piazza dell’Unità-Teatro del Popolo:

“L’archeologia moderna: tecniche del futuro per studiare il passato”, by Prof. Giovanna Bianchi (Unisi) in collaboration with QUANTANALITICA srl.

The use of XRF and photogrammetry applied to excavation contexts and archaeological finds

Friday, September 28, “Bright 2018” at Santa Chiara Lab at 4.00 pm in collaboration with Santa Chiara Fab Lab

Full Programme