The progression of the study on “vetrina sparsa” pottery led to a thorough selection of fragments for the preparation of the samples to submit to lead isotopes analyses.
We are currently collaborating with Dr. Igor Maria Villa, member of the Institut für Geologie of the University of Berne (Switzerland) and the Centro Universitario Datazioni e Archeometria at the University Milano-Bicocca, who mainly takes care of the geo-chronological dating on geological materials and isotopic analysis (Sr, Pb) on geological and archaeometric materials.
Thanks to the wide experience on ancient metal, metallurgical finds and on metallurgical waste, Dr. Laura Chiarantini from the Center of Services of Electronic Microscopy and Microanalysis (MEMA) University of Florence, can support us in the preparation of ceramic samples and in the interpretation of the results. She also made her own instruments available to the researchers who work in the different fields of scanning electron microscopy (geology, engineering, botany, zoology, archaeology, etc.).
Moreover, the analyses carried out by Emanuela Sibilia for dating the pottery with the Thermoluminescence method, are still ongoing in the laboratory of Archeometry in the Department of Materials Sciences of the University of Milano-Bicocca.