Following the previous exploratory investigations on the nature of the ditches at Vetricella we can now present, thanks to the new C14 data, a first chronological setting for the formation and life of the site’s defensive system.
C14 analyses were conducted on two samples of organic matter (charcoal and wood) sampled from the intermediate ditch in the north (Fig.1) and western trenches; both samples were collected in correspondence with an accumulation of silty material (indicating the presence of water).

Thanks to the analyses of samples taken from the top and bottom-most level of the silt deposits, we could chronologically frame the feature in a temporal arc that ranges from the 9th to the mid 10th (Fig.2-3).
The analytical study of the ceramic materials found in the different ditch filling layers is still ongoing; this will allow to cross-date these chronologies and provide a clearer setting for such features in the different stages of site development.