Archaeometallurgical Analyses of materials from Vetricella: preliminary results

Many fragments of iron slag have been found during surface surveys at Vetricella. Most of them, according to their typical plane or plano-convex shape – could be interpreted as smithing slags, and are constituted by variable proportions of fayalite (Fe2SiO4), wüstite (FeO), magnetite (Fe3O4), iron oxyhydroxides and quartz.
A few small iron bars have also been recovered: metallic iron is still present in the bar core, surrounded by a thick patina of alteration products (magnetite, maghemite and iron hydroxides: XRD analysis). They could represent the final products of smithing activity…… Read More

Archaeobotanical analysis on the river Pecora

In September and November 2015, the fieldwork research of the nEU-Med staff were mainly focused to the study of the paleostratigraphy of the river Pecora, not far from the site of Vetricella. As part of the geomorphological analysis, seven soil profiles were sampled in order to recover charred wood fragments and to start a preliminary anthracological analysis. Macroscopic soil charcoal content, derived from natural or anthropogenic fires, provides information (complementary to traditional pollen-based reconstructions) about the vegetation on the Pecora basin.
In March 2016…… Read More

18 April 2016: Lecture

18th of April: Lecture by guest lecturer Prof. Sauro Gelichi ” From Anselmo to Pietro. The origins of a great early medieval abbey (San Silvestro di Nonantola) through archaeology”… Read More

23 and 24 March 2016: Lecture

23th-24th of March: Professor Juan Antonio Quiros Castillio (University of the Basque Country, Spain) will give two lectures about “Agrarian archaeology and of the early middle age productions in the north west of Spain”… Read More

Portable XRF analysis on selected coins from Tuscany

XRF analysis on selected coins were performed during December 2015-January 2016 in laboratory (fig.1) and directly in the Pava museum (fig. 2).

The portable XRF available in the Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy at the Siena University is an Olypus Innov-X Delta Premium. 6 pXRF spots were performed on the coins surface, three on each side. The main objective of this analysis is to obtain the bulk chemical composition of the coins…… Read More

Metallographic analysis on a selection of numismatic findings

Our research has started in October 2015, with specific metallographic analysis performed on a first selection of numismatic findings. A second step of analysis will detect the specific isotopes of the metals used in coin production.
The selected coins are made of silver or “mistura” (silver and copper) and come from archaeological excavations undertaken in the Colline Metallifere district. They cover a chronological range that goes from the Xth to the XIIIth century…… Read More

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